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Hey! I'm glad somebody wanted to read the long version.

With a master's in Forensic Psychology from Arizona State University, I began my journey focusing on victimology and advocating for mental health treatment in the criminal justice system. This rigorous background in both quantitative and qualitative research methods at the university level unexpectedly paved my way into UX research and design.


Designing curricula and lectures, crafting assignments and quizzes were all a part of my everyday routine at the college. Unbeknownst to me, this was my first step towards UX research and design. Initially, I doubted my creative abilities, but my thirst for knowledge led me to explore UX methodologies further.




Then. let's just say, it was love at first Figma design.




Today, I am not only a psychology professor but also a UX/UI designer equipped with tools like Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, and Miro. My involvement with ecommerce stores using Shopify Liquid and content strategy work with influencers like Allie K. Miller enhanced my design and business sensibilities. My passion for UX/UI design truly blossomed as I delved into content creation. And with a growing expertise in operations using AI, I've broadened my horizons further.


Outside the design and AI realm, I'm a video game streamer and content creator. My experience in managing social medias for an AI innovator has given me a unique vantage point: blending AI, design, and psychology. I've been able to sharpen my focus on creating web solutions for businesses looking to monetize their platforms.





What I'm currently reading

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"I am not sick, I don't need help!" by Xavier Amador discusses anosognosia (lack of insight); a symptom that many with schizophrenia, bipolar, and other disorders suffer from. This proposed side effect creates a social barrier between loved ones, especially if one is unwilling to accept treatment. To mediate, Dr. Amador created "LEAP"-- an acronym for Listen, Empathize, Agree, and Partner. The ultimate goal is to bridge the gap and help patients or loved ones accept treatment for their disorder.

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"How to Do the Work: Recognize Your Patterns, Heal from Your Past, and Create Your Self" by Dr. Nicole LaPera provides readers with the necessary resources and techniques to break free from harmful habits and rebuild their lives. This book represents a significant shift in the way we understand mental health and self-care, and promotes empowerment and transformation.

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